The Best Photography Tutorials of 2016

2016 has been a fantastic year for Nature TTL. We launched a brand new design, and more of you are reading the website than ever before. We now even offer a range of workshops that have been extremely popular amongst our readers – something we will be expanding over the next year. As always, thank you so much to all of you that read and share our content. It makes it all worthwhile!
I’d also like to give an extra big thank you to those of you that have decided to support Nature TTL’s work, whether that be by buying our eBooks, booking onto workshops, or donating to our running costs. You have made a real difference!
If you have enjoyed learning from Nature TTL this year, please consider supporting our website.
The Best Photography Tutorials of 2016
We’ve pulled content together from photographers all around the world for you to read, for free, each week. Thousands of you are subscribed to our weekly newsletter and have been enjoying what we have to offer. Let’s have a look at some of our favourite tutorials that we published this year, in case you have missed any or would like to recap!
How to Photograph Wildlife in Low Light – Something that challenges most wildlife photographers, this tutorial shows how you can maximise your equipment to continue shooting as the light gets low.
A Guide to Using Flash with Wildlife – Marking one of our more specialist tutorials, we look at the advanced technique that is using flash in wildlife photography.
The Real Reasons Your Photos Aren’t Sharp – Failing to get a sharp photo is a common complaint from our readers. This tutorial was written to answer this and put rest to frustrations over soft images.
How to Photograph Foxes – A lovely article that looks at how you can photograph one of the most common, but often tricky, mammals in the UK.
How to Photograph Animals in Their Habitat – Probably the most ‘in’ style of wildlife photography at the moment.
How to Photograph the Aurora Borealis in the UK – Our first tutorial of 2016 looked at how you can capture the Northern Lights in the UK. It was of course very popular, with us being treated to many strong displays this year.
Composition: Leading Lines & Vanishing Points – Harness powerful compositional techniques to set your photos apart from others.
How to Photograph the Milky Way – Capture stunning images of our galaxy from here on Earth.
Top 10 Locations for Landscape Photography in the UK – Need inspiration for new places to take your photos? Here are the favourite haunts of one of our most experienced landscape photographers.
How to Photograph Lightning – Learn how to capture stunning photos of electrifying storms.
A Guide to Underwater Macro Photography – If you are brave enough to take your camera beneath the waves, this is definitely a tutorial you should be reading. Unlock an entirely new world.
A Guide to Rockpool Macro Photography – Brilliant tutorial that will show you how to take amazing macro images on any beach you have access to. Reconnect with your childhood and go rock pooling!
DSLR or Mirrorless: What’s the Difference? – A common question we are asked is which is better, mirrorless or DLSR? This tutorial puts rest to that question and shows the merits, and drawbacks, of each system.
A List of Common Photography Abbreviations – A handy list of all the different abbreviations, and their meanings, that you see on lenses, cameras and online.
A Guide to Choosing a Tripod Head – There are so many different tripod heads on the market, but which is the best for you?
How to Calibrate Your Computer Screen – Having a calibrated screen is of the upmost importance.
Nikon D500 Review: In the Hands of a Wildlife Photographer – One of the most anticipated cameras to be released this year, we put the D500 through our tests.
How to Make a DSLR Camera Trap Housing – Our first video tutorial, here you can learn how to make your own camera housing for camera trapping.
Post Production and Miscellaneous
How to Start Your Own Photography Website – A very popular tutorial. Learn how to start your own website – something that might be a good idea for the New Year?
What is Copyright? Understanding Your Rights – Dispelling myths and giving you a real understanding about what copyright means for you and your photography.
Editing Your Photos: How Far Should You Go? – Interesting discussion article about the moral limits of editing photographs and what is expected, in general, in the nature photography industry.
The Post-processing Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make – Some ideas about things you really don’t want to do to your photos during post production. It’s very easy to slip into a lot of these traps.
Thank You
I would just like to thank you again for using Nature TTL over the past year. It would be a lot harder to muster the inspiration for running such a large operation if there were no one reading our articles! Please do consider supporting our work for the new year, as we hope to be able to continue for another year at least!
Best wishes for the New Year!