
Weekly Photography Assignment: Sky

Each week we’ll be giving you a theme that you can submit a photo for, and we’ll choose our favourite to be featured on the Nature TTL website. Participating in these assignments will be a great way for you to encourage yourself to push the boundaries of your photography and improve together as a community on the website.

Enter to be our Monthly Assignment Winner!

From these weekly favourites, each month we will select one exceptional image, crowning the photographer as the Monthly Assignment Winner. This talented photographer’s captivating image will be shared on our Instagram story and in our newsletter.

Remember to include your Instagram handle in each weekly entry for a chance to be featured!

Week 283: Sky

This week, we want to you take photographs of the sky! Let’s take a look at how you can capture this expansive element of nature with your camera. Perhaps you will photograph a sunset or sunrise, or look to capture the drama of an encroaching storm. Maybe you will use a long lens to focus on a fraction of the sky, or take a wide angle view to capture a wider scene. You might even decide to photograph the sky at night, and use long exposure techniques to capture the movement of the stars! Whether you’re a seasoned nature photographer, or are new to the genre, the options for capturing new and interesting photos of the sky are endless, and we can’t wait to see what inspiring shots you can create.

Here are some tutorials to help you:

To enter your photo to this assignment, add it in the comments below this post. By submitting your photo, you are giving us permission to feature your photo the following week if it is chosen as one of our favourites. Please keep images under 2MB in size otherwise you may have difficulty uploading them.

weekly photo assignment
To enter your photo, look at the comments at the bottom of the page and press the ‘Upload Image’ button.

Here are some guidelines to keep things running smoothly:

  • Photos must be your own work
  • Please enter no more than 3 photos per week
  • Please only enter photos taken within the LAST WEEK
  • Include a description with your photo and tell us a bit about it!

You have until next Monday, 17th of June, to submit your photo.

Last week’s winner

Last week’s theme was Signs of Summer– and our favourite image this week is:

This week’s winner is this image, captured by Flynn Thaitanunde-Lobb: ‘A bunch of buttercup reaching for the sunlight.’

This wonderful image captures the true magic and essence of the summer season. Featuring a summery subject that although common, is framed, composed and lit beautifully to allow a new appreciation of it. The warm tones throughout the scene help to draw us straight into the warmth of the season. Well done, and thank you to all who entered!


Sundown by Denis Chavkin on 500px.com
KW FS CloudEdit by Kevin Wang on 500px.com
Northern California Star Trails by Kevin Johnson on 500px.com

Images embedded from 500px.com.


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