Weekly Photography Assignment: Garden Wildlife

Each week we’ll be giving you a theme that you can submit a photo for, and we’ll choose our favourite to be featured on the Nature TTL website. Participating in these assignments will be a great way for you to encourage yourself to push the boundaries of your photography and improve together as a community on the website.
Week 165: Garden Wildlife
Our theme this week is Garden Wildlife and we’d love to see what creative shots of garden wildlife you can take! There is wildlife to be found everywhere if you look hard enough. Try sitting in your own back garden, (or a local park if you don’t have one) to see what might emerge! Perhaps you have a bird feeder and can capture the first songbirds of spring in flight? Maybe you will experiment with long exposure techniques to showcase the movement of squirrels through the trees? Or maybe you will get out your macro lens and look for the smallest examples of wildlife? The options are endless, and we can’t wait to see what inspiring images of garden wildlife you can create.
Here are some tutorials to help you:
- A Guide to Garden Macro Photography
- How to Photograph Garden Birds
- How to Attract Mammals to Your Garden for Photography
To enter your photo to this assignment, add it in the comments below this post. By submitting your photo, you are giving us permission to feature your photo the following week if it is chosen as one of our favourites. Please keep images under 2MB in size otherwise you may have difficulty uploading them.
Here are some guidelines to keep things running smoothly:
- Photos must be your own work
- Please enter no more than 3 photos per week
- Please only enter photos taken within the week of the assignment
- Include a description with your photo and tell us a bit about it!
You have until next Monday, 14th March, to submit your photo.
Last week’s winner
Last week’s theme was The Sky – and our favourite image this week is:
This week’s winner is this image, captured by Kezz Houghton: ‘I had a local nature reserve in mind where I know I can see beautiful skies when the conditions are right. I’ve also been following a seasonal occurrence in recent weeks, and if I was lucky, worlds might collide. As some late sunshine made an appearance late yesterday I heading off to my spot and my planning paid off. A starling murmuration filled the moody gradients of the dusk sky.’ We love the layers in this shot, and the way the shape of the clouds seems to echo the murmuration. It is a beautiful capture of what can be seen in the majestic landscape of the sky, if you remember to look up! Well done, and thank you to all who entered!
Images embedded from 500px.com.