The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Close-Up, in 4K, and Real-Time

Ever wondered what a solar eclipse looks like close-up, in 4K and totally in real-time? Maybe not, but this video from photographer JunHo Oh confirms one thing: it’s a sight of hypnotic beauty. As the eclipse takes full form and the sun melts away behind a black-disk moon, JunHo Oh takes us on an anti-clockwise journey of the event to witness its full wonder. The sun’s rays become a ghostly halo occasionally broken by a surge of pale-pink towering into the void of empty space, making this unique insight one you should definitely not skip.

If you are questioning how the footage was captured, it certainly wasn’t cheap – but was definitely a price worth paying. JunHo Oh utilised a Takahashi Mewlon18C, a 2160mm f/12 telescope, a Panasonic GX85, and a RainbowAstro RST-150H Harmonic Drive Mount – all of which combined to unearth this stellar spectacle. Whilst it may seem a feat of technical excellence on JunOh Ho’s part in tracing the eclipse, he notes, “[the] RST-150H mount is specially programmed to trace Sun’s peripheral during total eclipse period to match C2 and C3 contact moments,” making the footage possible.

He goes on to confirm, “This allows us to catch breath stopping moments of Sun set and rise over the Moon’s horizon,” – and he certainly isn’t wrong. I know who’s footage I’ll be checking for future celestial sights!

Check out the zoomed out version below if the original wasn’t enough to satisfy your solar eclipse shaped appetite:


Ed Carr is a Yorkshire-born landscape photographer and nature writer. Having spent his youth in the North Yorkshire Moors National Park, he takes any opportunity to don his hiking boots and head out, camera in hand. When not out taking pictures or hastily scribbling down his thoughts, Ed’s halfway up a hill out chasing after his dog, Hendrix.